April Recap | Spring 2024

I didn’t keep up with my daily reading goal in April. However, I know that reading is beneficial and helps me unwind at night. Moving forward, I’ll turn off my phone from 8 PM to 6 AM and read books to calm my mind before bed instead of listen to podcasts and scroll the internet. Last night, I was we working on this blog post from my laptop and staring at another screen late at night, even though my inner voice says not to do it. Unrelated, but I almost used this cover photo for my blog a while ago because it’s calming and pleasant to look at.

*˚*•̩̩͙ Am I Evolving? •̩̩͙*˚*

I had my last physical therapy appointment at the end of April and “graduated” from physiotherapy. PT told me that I’m allowed to return anytime, but for now, I don’t have any more appointments scheduled. Does this mean I passed? Yes and no. I know what I need to do, but I’m not as diligent as I should be, so more work can be done in this area. I have to still work on my core exercises and drink more water.

Lately, I have been sleeping a lot, but that’s not new for me. I do tend to sleep a lot, but I have been exceptionally tired lately. Sleeping during the day wastes a lot of time, so I’m not accomplishing what I want to. In terms of exercise, I do what I can, but I don’t have a set schedule these days. When it comes to diet, my weight has stayed the same, and I seem to have reached a plateau. I’m not very hungry these days and only eat when I’m hungry, so I don’t eat much. The biggest problem I had with HCLF was that I had to eat often and frequently, and I eventually got so sick and tired of eating sugary, sweet foods all the time. It was “too much of a good thing” as they say. These days, I’m not counting calories and try to cook at home as often as possible. Any treats I buy are heavily discounted, and I stopped shopping at Dollarama because I was no longer getting a good deal there.

I want to continue cutting back on expenses as much as possible because: a) I hate debt if any kind (this includes mortgage which is my only debt right now); b) clutter/junk gives me anxiety; and c) we are headed towards a recession if we aren’t already in one.

April Recap 2024

Career Goals:

  • Bid for shifts for the second half of April I ended up getting more shifts without having to bid on them. I ended up with 7 shifts for the month of April which is below my goal of 10+ shifts/month. I don’t get nearly as many shifts as I did last year.
  • Catch up on emails if there are any I am pretty much caught up and to-date on emails.
  • Have 100 sticker designs in my #Redbubble shop I am currently at 97 sticker designs and am still working on reaching this goal. Sticker designs were not my priority during the month of April and I only added 1 new sticker design in April. Btw, it’s cherry blossom season and a kind soul from Spain just bought 2 large cherry blossom themed stickers. Thank you~! 😊🌸
  • Promote my cherry blossom stickers Twitter/𝕏 → From $1.63 CAD (Ignore the $1.98 price) I didn’t do much promoting during the month of April but once I add some new designs to the shop, I plan on posting more often on Twitter/𝕏.

🌸 My Redbubble Shop: @sereneluna 🌸

♡ You can browse my designs here: http://shorturl.at/otvxQ

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly goals/recap blog posts I published 3 blog posts this month, in addition to the usual monthly goals and blog recaps. I didn’t see a significant boost in engagement, but it’s encouraging to have frequent readers. You can catch up on these blog posts below ↓ and yes they are clickable links:
  1. “Spot the Gnome” Game
  2. Blog Posts Left Unwritten
  3. Is Blogging Right For You?
  • Write 1 personal development article for #Medium I don’t think I added any new articles to Medium. Instead, I focused more on blogging.
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments/pending appointments I somehow manage by using my phone calendar. My son’s forms for Montessori were sent and SLP received the necessary paperwork they needed. Also, my husband and I finally got our medical forms completed and sent them to SW.
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development book each day Nope, it did not happen. I miss reading but my current personal development book is boring. I still plan on finishing it before moving on to the next book.
  • Purchase tickets for Otafest 2024 I bought tickets and I will be bringing my family with me to Otafest this year. I have no idea what to expect, so expect the unexpected I guess?

🌸 I’ve never been to a convention but always wanted to go to one! 🌸

Health Goals:

  • Aim for 10,000 steps/day I have been averaging 4,500 – 6,000 steps/day which isn’t great. Some days, it’s much less than 4,500 steps.
  • Limit drinks to water, tea, and coffee I already do this but started adding very diluted 100% fruit juice for some more variety.
  • Track hydration on Water Llama app My water intake really suffered during the month of April but this app still helps me when I’m actively tracking hydration. It takes caffeine and different beverages into account.
  • Track steps on Pikmin Bloom app The app helps keep me motivated, and I still recommend this free app to anyone who likes to gamify fitness. You can read my review about this app here.
  • HCLF diet 90% of the time No more HCLF dieting for me 🙅‍♀️ In the beginning, I loved it but I got tired of it real quick. It’s definitely not for me but was fun while it lasted. Also, having no overt oils doesn’t work with my family’s diet and lifestyle.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

I also want to mention that I completely forgot about my “Power List” again, so this system isn’t going to work for me long-term. My husband suggested that I try blocking time out of my day, so I might try that and see if it works better. Has anyone tried block scheduling other than in university? Is that what it’s called…block scheduling? Here is an example of what I’m talking about.

Source: https://www.deskbird.com/blog/time-block-schedules

Finally, I am curious to know what your goals were for the month of April and whether or not you accomplished what you were hoping to. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ Also, I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter/𝕏 (@serene_hilz), that is, if you aren’t already a follower. It is harder than ever to grow on that platform but I really do enjoy using it to connect with like-minded bloggers.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

Is Blogging Right For You?

I originally wrote this article for Medium but it got no engagement whatsoever. I posted it on March 25, 2024. As of late, I am finding Medium to be a bit dead. The only reason why I still post on there from time to time is to stay active so I can still be a part of the Medium Partner Program (MPP). If you are already a Medium subscriber and want to support me, reading my article will earn me a few cents. The following article, er, blog post, is basically the same as the one I wrote for Medium. I am replacing Medium with blogging for the purpose of this blog post.

Medium ArticleIs Medium Right For You?

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

(っ◔V◔)っ Serious QuestionWhy are you here?

Maybe you joined this writing platform for superficial reasons that were similar to mine. Perhaps you saw it as a way to earn some extra money or to expand your reach to an existing audience. Maybe your friends are also bloggers and you wanted to join in on the fun! It could be a combination of reasons.

(っ◔V◔)っ No seriously, what is the actual reason for being here, and when was the last time you logged into WordPress, Medium, etc.? It might be time to get real with yourself.

If you’re anything like me, you may have logged in to check your stats and see if anyone is actually reading your content. That’s why I logged into Medium earlier today because let’s be real. While I may not be as active as I would like, I realize that I serve a greater purpose on this platform and that I do have a voice, no matter how small it may be, and so do you. There have been many times when I have questioned which writing platform is right for me, and at the end of the day, it ultimately boils down to four things that you should consider.

Medium, WordPress, etc. might not be for you if any of the following apply to you:

✤ You are impatient.

✤ You want overnight success.

✤ You want your article to go viral article every week, month, etc.

✤ You don’t know why you are here.

✤ You get demotivated by not seeing significant results in a few days.

I understand that nobody wants to hear this, but this applies not only to Medium but to any personal blog, website, or social media account. Anyone striving to gain traction, popularity, and success really needs to evaluate their purpose and their “why.”

Photo by energepic.com: https://www.pexels.com

👉 Feeling frustrated? If so, here’s what you should do instead.

1. Have a plan from the start.

To attract readers and gain exposure, it is essential to have a solid plan and consistently follow through with it over time. While I may not be an expert in marketing techniques, it is crucial to stay mindful while navigating the constantly evolving digital landscape. Without a long-term vision, achieving lasting success may prove challenging. A clear vision establishes meaningful goals and helps steer decisions in alignment with your values, offering a roadmap during uncertain times.

2. Have a strong vision.

Having a strong vision is necessary for success in any endeavor. Stay determined and persistent in pursuing your goals, as each step brings you closer to your dreams as long as you keep moving forward. Without commitment to your vision, you will miss out on growth opportunities in al areas of your life.

3. Learn as you go.

Although I don’t have a detailed plan for what I hope to accomplish in the years to come, I am continuously learning and adapting over time. What sets me apart from many other writers is my relentless drive to persevere, even in the face of obstacles, rather than giving up too soon when challenges arise. To prove my point, I have been blogging consistently for 8 years, although infrequently, but I haven’t quit yet! Furthermore, I highly recommend checking out a similar article I wrote about the dangers of dabbling.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ CONCLUSION ♥

It’s normal to feel stuck when creating content for an audience, whether you’re writing articles for Medium or creating new social media content. The important thing is to persevere and stay dedicated to your goal, even when you’re facing a mental block. Remember, any effort put into writing is better than none. Focus on conveying your thoughts in a meaningful way; that’s what really counts in the end. Keep pushing forward and don’t give up. Take it from someone who is a professional procrastinator without a set schedule for writing and uploading blog posts.

Buy Me a Coffee ☕💕

Because I don’t run ads on WordPress, I don’t have the ability to make money from my blog, www.sereneluna.net. If you’d like me to write more blog posts like this, you can support me on Ko-Fi with a small donation or by buying me a coffee for $2.00 CAD.

Link: https://ko-fi.com/sereneluna#paypalModal

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

Blog Posts Left Unwritten

The title of this blog post was inspired by the song “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield. If you don’t know the song, go check it out on YouTube now – it’s guaranteed to bring back memories and good vibes!

Who Should I Give Credit To?

I’m not sure who gave me the idea to make this blog post. I believe I got the idea from Pooja, who runs a popular blog named Lifesfinewhine. It’s been a hot minute but I’m fairly sure it was her, unless it was another blogger. I do remember reading a post about it years ago. Pooja, if you’re reading this, please correct me if I’m wrong.

At this point, I realized that I had to face the harsh realization that I have no intention of completing these drafts, regardless of the reason. Since some of these ideas are unconventional, weird, or super random, I thought, why not share them with you? Perhaps you’ll discover a different side of me that you haven’t seen before. The benefit of this is that I can finally reduce the number of drafts I have. I currently have 60 drafts which is bit too much.

1. I Got Scammed on Facebook!

Drafted since: August 2017

In the year 2017 where Facebook ads are practically harassing your news-feed, it should be safe to assume that all ads can be trusted, given the thousands of comments that follow, legit looking websites and even legit-looking reviews on these endorsed advertisements. In the year 2017, it should be safe to assume that Facebook cares about your well-being and wouldn’t endorse websites that sell knock-offs, right? WRONG.

In case you are wondering what this scam was about, I had ordered a nostalgic 1990’s Tamagotchi, yenno, the ones we had as kids. I saw a great deal on Facebook and jumped on board before realizing that it was a cheap knockoff of the real thing. Stupid of me, I know. It is quite evident why I have not been able to complete this blog post, as it has already been a staggering 6+ years since this incident had taken place.

👉 FYI They looked legit in the FB ad, okay? Don’t judge.

2. Flickr Frustrations

Drafted since: June 2019

As you may know, I am not only trying to work on decluttering my physical environment, but also dealing with my digital clutter. I haven’t realized just how bad the digital mess has gotten until I opened my Flickr account this afternoon after a long 2-year digital hiatus. I love the Flickr app because I can use it to find photos without having to keep backup copies on my phone or computer. Correction: I loved Flickr until they started charging for the service and I had to shell out $20 just to retrieve my photos.

3. The Luxuries of Jaw Surgery

Drafted since: July 2021

Jaw surgery is not something we are entitled to. If you’re one of the few unfortunate people who needs this surgery done, then you might understand where I’m coming from. I didn’t know I even needed this surgery until I had my first consultation ever with an orthodontist yesterday. I sensed that something was very wrong with my smile and jaw alignment, but everyone around me denied it and convinced me I was fine. Well, I’m not fine. This is the first time in my life that I’m putting myself first and caring about my health.

Deep down, I care about the way I look. Call me shallow, egotistical or whatever, but I think that all humans to a degree care about these things. If you wear tons of makeup, you definitely care about how you present yourself to the world. Obsessed with clothes and shoes? Join the club. I don’t fit either of these categories, but I do care about my weight and physique.

4. Tropical Rockets Candy Review

Drafted since: October 2020

In the United States, these candies are known as Smarties. Canadian smarties are very different. I had high hopes for Tropical Rockets but there is literally no difference between the Original Rockets and Tropical Rockets, except for the colours. I don’t even know what the flavours are supposed to be since they all taste the same to me. In the tropical pack however, green was added to the mix, and surprisingly, these rockets tasted a bit like sour lime. At least they tasted like something, and not some unidentifiable chalky candy.

5. That Time I Tried Making Supplements

Drafted since: December 2019

I’m sure that you have all done weird things at some point in your life. We’re humans after all, so it’s no surprise that humans do weird sh*t. Who knows, maybe I will end up writing about it one day because I think it would make for a good story. I ended up making calcium/eggshell supplement powder (don’t ask), and weight-loss pills using paprika and some other spices. You can turn pretty much anything into a supplement if you have dissolvable gel capsules. It ended up being a big waste of money and it made a big mess, but it was a fun experiment.

6. The Diderot Effect Just Got Real

Drafted since: August 2020

What is the Diderot effect? Great Question! The best definition I found comes from Understanding the Diderot Effect (and how to overcome it). Check out the original article here. All of these seemingly small purchases really do add up over time, and if you aren’t careful, they can add up quickly. And sadly, I used my credit card to purchase most of the pricier items. I only regret impulse buys and I’ll be more mindful of my purchases in the future.

7. Died and Came Back to Life

Drafted since: May 2019

I’m providing some context as I didn’t write a blog post entry. On November 17, 2018, I was playing Persona 5 when an unexpected event occurred. After dedicating 100 hours of gameplay, one wrong move reset the entire game, causing me to panic. This is a cautionary tale about the importance of maintaining multiple save files, as unexpected events can occur, leading to a major shock. I recall exactly where my character was when he was killed and the game restarted from the beginning. Fortunately, I was able to recover my last save file from before that point in the game. I had to backtrack a bit, which was frustrating and cost me an hour or two, but at least I didn’t have to start from scratch. The game nearly gave me a heart attack.

8. Could My Cat Be Morgana?

Drafted since: May 2019

Okay, this was a really dumb blog post idea. I was thinking up ways my cat, Timon, was similar to Morgana the cat from Persona 5. At the time, I was playing this game nonstop for a month so it’s all I thought about. I was in a deep depression after failing a clinical rotation, which set me back a year in nursing school. With nothing to occupy my time, I turned to gaming. It was my husband’s suggestion actually. And well, it did help me take my mind off of things.

Give Timon a yellow collar and this cat could cosplay as Morgana.

9. Managing the Dreaded Spam Folder on WordPress

Drafted since: June 2022

How to control spammy comments

1. Manage your settings. Automatically approve non-spammy comments by approving everyone’s first comment they ever make. One of my pet peeves if having every single comment of mine approved on someone’s blog. There is no reason for this, if you know I am a regular follower.

2. Check your spam folder often. Check your spam folder once or twice a week from a desktop; Sometimes, an innocent comment will end up in the spam folder so it’s important to check EVERY comment. Think this is too much of a hassle? You may be missing out on future followers, especially if you’re already implementing suggestion 1.

3. Disable comments on older posts. I haven’t done this yet but I am about to. There is no reason to reply to 2-year-old comments. Sometimes, I will but its starting to become a hassle navigating through old posts because I have an obligation to reply to comments.

4. Only registered users can leave comments. Users must be registered and logged in to comment (can be found under settings) Why is this important? I noticed that the majority of the spam was generated by private emails linked to third party websites. By removing the option for anyone to comment, unless they are a WordPress user, I cut down on 95% of the spam.

10. Quarantine Style

Drafted since: June 2020

The problem is that I never actually got around to writing up a blog post because the topic was so boring. The list was something like this: Allow natural sunlight in, stick to a schedule, take breaks, establish a morning routine, leave the house, create a daily to-do list, etc. Nothing I had to say was original or captivating. However, I must admit, the title was ingenious. By the time I considered turning this into a blog post, quarantine had ended.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ CONCLUSION ♥

That concludes this blog post! I tried to dig up old photos and couldn’t really find the ones I wanted. Still, I’m glad that I was finally able to put this blog post together in a way that hopefully makes sense. Now you’ve seen another layer of weirdness in me that you didn’t know existed.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

“Spot the Gnome” Game

Who might enjoy this game, you ask? Well, it’s perfect for anyone who frequents stores that stock those quirky little gnomes. And let me tell you, Dollarama is just brimming with gnomes! Personally, I’ve been having an absolute blast with it. Oh, and just a heads up – Dollarama stores are exclusive to Canada 🍁But it’s not just limited to Dollarama. I have found the cutest gnomes at other stores in Canada like The Real Canadian Superstore, for example. #OhCanada

I started this whole thing to network with people on Twitter/𝕏 and it has evolved into something bigger. My goal is to keep the momentum going on social media, whether it’s Twitter/𝕏 or another platform. If you’re not on Twitter, that’s okay. Why should you play this game? Well, apart from me telling you to (just kidding!), it’s fun! Also, there’s no obligation to make any purchases. As someone who is uninterested in buying more stuff to clutter up my home with, I take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but tweets/posts. Eventually, I would like to get a gnome for my garden. 🍄🌱

Aren’t these gnomes adorable? 🩷

Rules of the Gnome Game

Just like the title suggests, it’s basically a fun scavenger hunt for gnomes. Your mission is to spot as many gnomes as possible, especially the unique ones, snap a pic of them, and make sure to tag me and your friends in your post. Feel free to tag all your fellow gnome lovers too!

At the end of the day, I chose gnomes because there are plenty of quirky types out there. Allow me to introduce you to the gnomes I’ve come across so far:

↓ 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕘𝕟𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕤 ↓

I’m interested in finding out about the types of gnomes that you’ve come across in your country. Let me know if you’ve spotted any quirky or unique ones. Happy gnoming!

P.S. You can find all of my links and socials here!👉 https://linktr.ee/sereneluna

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

April Goals | Spring 2024

First and foremost, thank you for reading my blog posts month after month. To my loyal readers, I see you and appreciate all of you. I also value new readers and even the ones who lurk – you know, the ones who read my blog posts but never leave a like or comment. I’m aware of the lurkers based on my stats, even though there hasn’t been much engagement lately. I take responsibility for this lack of engagement as I haven’t been very active here. Nevertheless, I truly appreciate those who come across my blog and take the time to read my content.

For those following me on Twitter/𝕏, I’m still active there, sharing my current hobbies and interests. If you have an account, feel free to follow me, and I’ll follow you back! I’m also open to DMs. Twitter/𝕏 is where I feel comfortable expressing my thoughts daily. You can follow me using the link below:

♡ Quick Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/serene_hilz

𝒜𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓁 𝓈𝒽💮𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝒷𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑀𝒶𝓎 𝒻𝓁💮𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈.

*˚*•̩̩͙ Who I Want to Become •̩̩͙*˚*

I know I should be working on hobbies during my free time, but when is there ever free time? lol You know what I mean. I find myself struggling to work on hobbies, which includes writing blog posts, posting recipes (I have a bunch that I want to share with you), and building and creating things. Instead of creating things, I often find myself trying to fill a void – a shopping void. Yikes. I try not to be materialistic, but lately, I have found some comfort there. It’s weird, and I need to pause, breathe, and reflect. I have tons of crafting supplies, so it’s just a matter of starting. Instead, I keep wanting to accumulate more supplies because I am afraid to start, and this is my way of distracting myself. When I am not browsing the internet, window shopping, or wanting to buy things to fill this empty void in my life, I just want to sleep, play a dumb game on my phone, or do some other mindless activity.

Building and creating things brings me joy, so why is it such a struggle? I need to work through this resistance, and there is no better time than now. So there’s that, and possibly revisiting my Power List. I do need to find my planner, so perhaps I can start with that, and monthly goals of course.

April Goals 2024

Career Goals:

  • Bid for shifts for second half of April
  • Catch up on emails if there are any
  • Have 100 sticker designs in my #Redbubble shop
  • promote my cherry blossom stickers Twitter/𝕏 → From $1.63 CAD (Ignore the $1.98 price)
♡ You can browse my designs here: http://shorturl.at/otvxQ

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly goals/recap blog posts
  • Catch up on #Medium articles, comments, etc.
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments/pending appointments
  • Get forms from Montessori for SLP
  • Complete medical forms for SW → Appt April 10, 2024
  • Purchase tickets for Otafest 2024
🌸 I’ve never been to a convention but always wanted to go to one! 🌸

Health Goals:

  • Aim for 10,000 steps/day → leave the house at least once/day ☀️
  • Limit drinks to water, tea, and coffee
  • Track hydration on Water Llama app (3000mL water/day)
  • Track steps on Pikmin Bloom app
  • HCLF diet 90% of the time
Photo is my own. Pineapples are life! 🍍🍍

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

My mental health has been questionable lately, but I find comfort in writing on WP. I don’t know why I don’t do it more often, to be honest. Putting my thoughts into writing helps me process emotions and solve problems. I don’t feel like I’m talking to a wall because I know people are reading my blog posts, and that brings me comfort. Just knowing that there’s someone out there who cares, even if we don’t talk face-to-face, helps me feel less alone. I hope I can pull through this slump and thrive for the rest of April.

I am curious to know what your goals are for the month of April. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ Also, I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter (@serene_hilz), that is, if you aren’t already a follower. It is so hard to grow on that platform but I really do enjoy using it to connect with like-minded bloggers.

(っ◔◡◔)っ You can find all of my links and socials here!👉 https://linktr.ee/sereneluna

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

March Recap | Spring 2024

Continuing from where I left off last month, I didn’t keep up with my daily goal of reading 10 pages a day because I chose to spend that time on other things. If I were to resume reading, I would prefer to do it at bedtime rather than first thing in the morning. The book I had been reading before I stopped this habit was a bit boring, but I do intend to finish it eventually. It’s not a terrible book; I just don’t want to invest too much mental energy into it right now.

*˚*•̩̩͙ Who I Am Becoming •̩̩͙*˚*

Ever since my PT appointment at the end of February, I have been struggling to maintain my strict daily routine of two 45-minute workouts, having a clean diet, reading 10 pages, and drinking close to a gallon of water. I managed to follow a program called 75 Hard for 30 days (I won’t go into detail about it here), but I did learn a lot from it. I discovered what doesn’t work for me and what is beneficial, even if it’s not what I feel like doing. Wanting to do something and actually doing it are two different things. It’s important not to make decisions based solely on emotions and feelings.

I had another PT appointment at the end of March, and I need to start tracking my water intake because the headaches have returned with a vengeance. Drinking 2-3 large bottles of water is non-negotiable for me, even though I struggle to drink plain water if I’m not actively tracking it. I’ve also started adding 5-calorie drink mixes to my water, which makes it much more palatable for me. However, the artificial sugars and food coloring in these drinks could be making my headaches worse. I also tried cutting out caffeine, but I experienced withdrawal headaches, so I’m back to drinking orange pekoe tea again. The goal here is to stay hydrated. Speaking of goals, here is a recap of my monthly goals for March 2024:

March Recap 2024

Career Goals:

  • Bid for shifts for March as they become available When it came time to bid on shifts, the shift callouts were super last minute so I decided not to bid on them.
  • Catch up on emails if there are any I am mostly caught up on emails. There is a random MLL course that I need to take though.
  • Add 5 new designs on #Redbubble Redbubble fixed the pricing issue, so I’m not sure what was up with that. All of my stickers are priced from $1.63 if you buy any 10 stickers in my shop. I don’t know how many designs I added in March because I got distracted by another hobby. I currently have 96 designs in my Redbubble shop. Btw, it’s cherry blossom season and I’ve added several cherry blossom sticker designs to my shop!
  • Design more art for my Ko-fi gallery + do more research I’ve decided to pivot away from this and focus more on local markets. I’ll start locally and see how it goes from there. I want to test the waters first, so I’ll probably try Facebook Marketplace, even though I haven’t used my FB account since 2017. Before I start selling anything, I need to build my inventory, so that’s what I will be working on in the upcoming months.

🌸 My Redbubble Shop: @sereneluna 🌸

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly goals/recap blog posts I’m not doing much extra in terms of blogging because I make $0 from blogging. It doesn’t seem like a good use of my time. That being said, blogging helps keep me accountable so that’s why I upload blog posts month after month.
  • Write 1 personal development article for #Medium Yes! I actually did this mainly because you have to stay active if you’re part of the Medium Partner Program (MPP). Because my article is about writing for Medium, I didn’t share the article separately on my blog. However, if you would like to read my article, you can read it here.
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments/pending appointments I somehow manage by using my phone calendar. Tomorrow will try and get forms from the Montessori that I need to fill out for my toddler.
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development book each day Nope, it did not happen. I miss reading but my current personal development book is boring so I’m not too eager to read right now.
  • Send snail mail before end of the month Yes! I sent snail mail and everyone got their mail by the end of the month so that makes me happy.

(っ◔◡◔)っ Want to buy me a coffee? Now you can! 👉 https://ko-fi.com/sereneluna

Health Goals:

  • Aim for 10,000 steps/day I have been averaging 4,500 – 6,000 steps/day which isn’t great.
  • Limit drinks to water, tea, and coffee I’m pretty good with this, but I do struggle to drink plain water. I much rather drink orange pekoe tea. The 5-cal drink mixes help me drink more water but I try to drink plain water most days.
  • Track hydration on Water Llama app I frequently forget to monitor my water consumption, but my physiotherapist has advised me to track it regularly and be more diligent about it.
  • Track steps on Pikmin Bloom app The app helps keep me motivated, and I still recommend this free app to anyone who likes to gamify fitness. You can read my review about this app here.
  • Healthy/clean eating 80% of the time I follow a HCLF diet these days. If you’re not familiar with this acronym, please google it. I’m tired of constantly having to explain myself and deal with others’ opinions. This diet may not be popular, but it’s common in Asia and Africa. I’ve noticed that many people in the Western world are overweight or obese, so I’m making an effort to distance myself as much as possible from the Standard American Diet (SAD) and trendy diets like low carb, paleo, keto, etc. By default, my diet is mostly vegan but I do eat meat and dairy as long as it qualifies as low fat.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

I also want to mention that I completely forgot about my “Power List” because I don’t like writing things down in a notebook and often forget to write things down in a notepad on my phone. The power list absolutely does work if you’re actively keeping on top of your critical tasks. For me, it’s remembering to do the thing that I’m struggling with the most. I have tried productivity apps. I have tried sticky notes. I have tried a notebook only to lose the notebook on multiple occasions. I wish my ADD brain would remember to do things without needing constant reminders. I need to find a better way to remember everything each day. I tend to get fixated on one or two things and forget about everything else. That’s the unmedicated ADD brain for you, minus the hyperactivity. I don’t have the hyperactive aspect of ADHD.

👉 This is my 💩 to do notebook, where I write down my tasks. Doing the tasks is still hard for me.

Finally, I am curious to know what your goals were for the month of March and whether or not you accomplished what you were hoping to. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ Also, I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter/𝕏 (@serene_hilz), that is, if you aren’t already a follower. It is harder than ever to grow on that platform but I really do enjoy using it to connect with like-minded bloggers.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

March Goals | Spring 2024

I apologize for the delay in writing this blog post; I’ve been preoccupied with tasks other than what I should have been doing. Lately, I’ve been catching up on sleep and playing a mobile game called Eatventure, which has taken over my life since the devs added the “Clubs” feature. Having reached level 120 and completed two full rounds of this game, I think I’ll be taking a break for a while. I’ve also managed to catch up on sleep, although I tend to crash and sleep for 10-12 hours at a time. My energy levels fluctuate between being wide awake and completely exhausted.

For those following me on #Twitter, I’ll be sharing updates on my workouts, water intake, daily steps, and occasionally posting creative works like poems, unpopular opinions, and photos. Twitter/𝕏 is where I feel comfortable opening up and sharing my thoughts on a daily basis. You can follow me using the link below:

♡ Quick Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/serene_hilz

ℑ𝔱’𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔲𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℑ𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔥🍀

*˚*•̩̩͙ Who I Want to Become •̩̩͙*˚*

I still have the dream of becoming the person I want to be. I aspire to be a confident girl who feels comfortable in her own skin. While I don’t care much about becoming a social media influencer, I do want to inspire others to take accountability and responsibility in their lives. I may not be a leader as I am more of a follower, but I have creative ideas and gifts that I want to share with the world. I believe that if I don’t share my gifts, it would be a waste not to use my talents. It’s frustrating to try to stand out when everyone else is competing for the same thing. Sometimes, I feel like my thoughts get lost in a sea of words.

Lately, I haven’t been sticking to my water goals and fitness goals. Instead, I have been doing whatever I please to try and figure out what brings me joy. Moving forward, I believe that a daily to-do list (aka. Power List) is honestly the way to go. As exhausting as it may be (I have tried this in the past), I feel like it is the most sustainable option long-term because it would not be a generic list but rather a personalized list. I need to find a way to incorporate all three areas of my life (career, personal, and health) into a list that I can check off each day to help move the needle forward. These are just my thoughts—I am thinking out loud!

March Goals 2024

Career Goals:

  • Bid for shifts for March as they become available
  • Catch up on emails if there are any
  • Add 5 new sticker designs to my #Redbubble shop
  • Design more art for my Ko-fi gallery + do more research
♡ You can browse my designs here: http://shorturl.at/otvxQ

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly goals/recap blog posts
  • Write 1 personal development article for #Medium
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments/pending appointments
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development book each day
  • Send snail mail before end of the month
I miss sending snail mail to pen pals who live far away 😓

Health Goals:

  • Aim for 10,000 steps/day
  • Limit drinks to water, tea, and coffee
  • Track hydration on Water Llama app (3000mL water/day)
  • Track steps on Pikmin Bloom app
  • Clean eating 80% of the time

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

I feel like I have lost my way since the beginning of March and am still trying to find balance in my life. Most days, I feel too tired, and on other days, too lazy to tackle big projects. I also sense that things have changed on WordPress, and I’m not sure if it’s due to a recent update, but I am not getting the same level of engagement as before. I acknowledge that I have been MIA, so this is probably my fault. It’s strangely quiet here these days. Perhaps I need to reach out to more people and see if I can boost the algorithm or something.

I am curious to know what your goals are for the month of March. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ Also, I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter (@serene_hilz), that is, if you aren’t already a follower. It is so hard to grow on that platform but I really do enjoy using it to connect with like-minded bloggers.

(っ◔◡◔)っ Like what I do? Your support goes a long way! 👉 https://ko-fi.com/sereneluna

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

February Recap | Winter 2024

Where have I been, you might ask? I have been busy during the month of February because I have been working out and reading books instead of writing blog posts and reviews. It seems odd, but I actually read 2 self-help books and have just started reading my third book. This is even surprising to me, considering that I haven’t picked up a book to read since I was in University.

  1. You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero was just okay. The author comes across as overly happy, full of sunshine, rainbows, and feel-good vibes. While I used to resonate with her book, I find it less appealing now. Some readers may not mind the use of made-up words like “Source Energy” instead of God and “The Big Snooze” instead of ego, but to me, it dilutes the concepts and major points she is trying to convey.
  2. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo was a better book overall, but it took me a total of four attempts to read the whole thing. Instilling the habit of reading 10 pages a day forced me to finish her book, which turned out to be a good thing. I believe she introduces many fresh ideas to an otherwise mundane topic, but there were a few aspects that bothered me. Not everyone can clean their homes in one go as she suggests. I later discovered that she has an online shop selling storage items and trinkets, which seems hypocritical to me, given that the goal is to declutter and eliminate excess items that do not spark joy.

*˚*•̩̩͙ Who I Want to Become •̩̩͙*˚*

I have been focusing on my word this year, which is discipline, but it has grown to be much more than that. I am working on cultivating healthier habits that need to stick long-term. This isn’t just for vanity reasons, but I would be lying if I said it wasn’t. This is for overall health and well-being, and more importantly, to hopefully slow down the progression of my health issues. I started going to physiotherapy as an adult and was told that it is very rare to see someone as young as me seeking therapy for vestibular/balance issues. Also, my eyesight is absolutely terrible and I just recently had to get even stronger prescription glasses. I have astigmatism and a few other issues that had the eye doctors stumped for weeks.

During the month of February, my main focus was health and fitness, which unfortunately led to neglecting my blog. Moving forward, I believe I should return to using a “Power List” instead of a task list solely focused on mental toughness. I felt burnt out from completing tasks, which affected my motivation for blogging, my sticker side hustle, and exploring other avenues to earn money. Additionally, my work shifts were reduced, resulting in inconsistent work hours compared to before. Anyways, here is a recap of how February 2024 went down:

February Recap 2024

Career Goals:

  • Try to aim for 9-12 shifts this month I thought I had enough shifts but a couple of them were cancelled. I am a bit disappointed that I didn’t get nearly as many shifts as I would have liked.
  • Catch up on emails if there are any I often I check my emails even if it takes a long time to reply to them.
  • Bid on shifts for February as they become available There haven’t really been shifts to bid on and any shifts that are available don’t work with my schedule.
  • Add 1-2 new designs on #Redbubble Redbubble just increased their prices without telling me and I am not happy about it. It has killed my motivation to upload new designs. Prices now start around $2.00 CAD but it seems to change on a daily basis depending on how the Canadian dollar is doing….
🌸 Follow me on Redbubble: @sereneluna 🌸

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly goals/recap blog posts Like I said above, I have been busy focusing on working out and other life commitments that I haven’t had time to blog. I hope to blog more next month.
  • Figure out a posting schedule for #Medium I actually want to start uploading articles to Medium again, especially since work is so slow and I need to find other ways to earn money.
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments/pending appointments I have been doing surprisingly well at this despite not using a planner. I track all appointments on my phone, which I know isn’t a good idea but it’s what I’m using for now.
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development book each day Yes! I have stuck with this habit and am really enjoying it so far.

(っ◔◡◔)っ Want to buy me a coffee? Now you can! 👉 https://ko-fi.com/sereneluna

Health Goals:

  • Two 45-min workouts per day + upload progress on Twitter Yes! I have been exercising on a daily basis. It is exhausting and I might cut back on the 90min workouts or just aim for 10,000 steps/day since two 45-min workouts isn’t really sustainable long-term.
  • Limit drinks to water, tea, and coffee Yes! I have been really diligent about this. Also, I finally used up those Nuun tablets btw.
  • Track hydration on Water Llama app Yes! I have been doing this consistently and I’m happy with my progress so far. I seem to forget to track my water intake if I’m not sticking to a routine, so I need to remember this for next month.
  • Track steps on Pikmin Bloom app Yes! I use the app everyday and have finally moved up to Level 45 (insert blog post)
  • Healthy/clean eating 90% of the time Um, more like 80%. Even though I cut out take-out food and processed snacks, Tim Horton’s donuts, and all food from MCDs, I still eat Asian processed snacks which I know makes no sense. I really like the Pineapple tarts and White Rabbit Candy and Lucky Strawberry Candy, m’kay? My husband is Singaporean and buys the snacks, and then I eat the snacks.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

I know I am not perfect, nor am I trying to be perfect. I am doing my best. I am aware that I still have a sugar addiction that may be hindering my weight loss goals. I’ll know that I have reached my goals when my clothes fit comfortably again. This journey can be frustrating, so I am focusing on how I feel internally and making decisions based on that, rather than living by strict rules.

Sadly, my infinity hoop keeps breaking so I am afraid to use it now. Once the last remaining piece breaks, I can’t replace my hoop. I have decided to get a weighted hula hoop but not sure where to get one. My husband wants me to buy one from the store rather than purchase one from Amazon, but I can’t find one anywhere. So if anyone happens to know where I can get a weighted hula hoop or an adult-sized hula hoop that I can use for workouts, please let me know.

Finally, I am curious to know what your goals were for the month of February and whether or not you accomplished what you were hoping to. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ Also, I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter (@serene_hilz), that is, if you aren’t already a follower. It is harder than ever to grow on that platform but I really do enjoy using it to connect with like-minded bloggers.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

February Goals | Winter 2024

I’m super late writing this blog post only because I have been busy working on myself. And by that, I mean personal health and well-being. It takes up most of my free time, which leaves me with no time for anything else. I haven’t forgotten about you all and you are the reason why I keep coming back to this blog. I want to try and keep you guys updated on my whereabouts.

For those of you who have been following me on Twitter, I will continue to add updates of my progress regarding my workouts, water intake, and daily steps. Additionally, I may post small pieces of creative work, like poems, unpopular opinions, and photos of my family. Twitter/𝕏  is where I tend to open up and share my thoughts. You can follow me via the following link:

♡ Quick Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/serene_hilz

𝒫.𝒮. 𝐼𝓉’𝓈 𝒶 𝐿𝑒𝒶𝓅 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇!

*˚*•̩̩͙ Who I Want to Become •̩̩͙*˚*

I have made the decision to shift my monthly goals for February and March. This means that I will be focusing more on fitness and wellbeing. I am doing a [free] program right now and I’m 1/3 of the way through the program. It’s not really a fitness challenge but rather a mental toughness challenge. I cannot talk much about it unless you ask me directly on #Twitter since I am a novice and don’t feel competent to give advice about whether this program is right for you.

February Goals 2024

Career Goals:

  • Try to aim for 9-12 shifts this month
  • Catch up on emails if there are any
  • Bid on shifts for February as they become available
  • Add 1-2 new designs on #Redbubble

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly goals/recap blog posts
  • Figure out a posting schedule for #Medium
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments/pending appointments
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development book each day
👉 Elsie LMC got me into reading books again! This is the current book I’m reading.

Health Goals:

  • Two 45-min workouts per day + upload progress on Twitter
  • Limit drinks to water, tea, and coffee
  • Track hydration on Water Llama app
  • Track steps on Pikmin Bloom app
  • Healthy/clean eating 90% of the time
Timon the cat helps keep me accountable 😆

Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, but I do want to address one more thing. I have been receiving numerous requests for pictures of myself, and I want to clarify that I am not currently posting them. I have set a personal goal to achieve my desired physique before sharing more photos. Until then, you can expect to see my daily stats on Twitter/𝕏, which some people may find boring. Don’t like it? There’s the door. I don’t owe anyone anything and love myself enough to know my self-worth and where I stand regarding this.

I am curious to know what your goals are for the month of February. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ Also, I would really appreciate it if you followed me on Twitter (@serene_hilz), that is, if you aren’t already a follower. It is so hard to grow on that platform but I really do enjoy using it to connect with like-minded bloggers.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

January Recap | Winter 2024

So, my blogging goals took an unexpected turn when I decided to dive into a fitness journey mid-January, leaving me with little time for my usual hobbies like uploading poetry and updating you all on my whereabouts. I haven’t even had time to add more sticker designs to my Redbubble shop! 🤦‍♀️

Where was I? Spending way too much time tracking my daily steps, tracking my exercise routine, and tracking my water intake. Yeah… that was not what I had in mind for January 2024 but now that I have gone done the rabbit hole of “glowing up,” I will continue to go down that rabbit hole until I recognize myself again.

Posted on Jan 30 • Follow me on Twitter/𝕏

Oh yeah, and I figured out my word for 2024 since many people on the internet are doing this. My word for this year is discipline. You can find me using the hashtag #discipline over on Twitter/X.

January was one big blur.

Reflecting on January 2024, I honestly can’t remember much of it. Between appointments and workouts, I found myself too exhausted to care. A lot of people said that January was a long month that seemed to go on forever and I agree with them. For me, it was also one big blur where I couldn’t remember much of anything other than focusing on one day at a time.

Posted on Jan 26 • Follow me on Twitter/𝕏

I didn’t refer to my January Goals at all so I am not sure how accurate my goals are compared to what I actually accomplished. Keep in mind, for my February Goals blog post, I will be making some changes so next month’s goals accurately reflect what I am doing these days. Anyways, here is a recap of how January 2024 went down:


Career Goals:

  • Start bidding on shifts for January I didn’t work that much in January but have shifts lined up in February and March.
  • Catch up on emails and sign up for N95 fit test Yes, I attended the N95 mask fitting and sent an updated email.
  • Complete 100 total designs for #Redbubble I have a total of 92 designs in my shop. I haven’t had any time to upload new designs since starting a new fitness program on January 16, 2024. You can check out my #Redbubble designs here.

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly recap I did upload a poem which you can read here in case you missed it. I apologize for the lack of original content this month. It will likely stay this way unless I can figure out a way to find time for my hobbies.
  • Complete questionnaires + submit digital copies for SW We completed and submitted the questionnaires a while ago.
  • Complete Application B Questions Yeah, no… I haven’t finished it yet. I’m having a bit of a disagreement with my husband because he decided that we’re not going to go through with the plan (he already submitted his answers). So now I’m at a standstill, feeling frustrated and vulnerable.
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments I have been managing just fine with just my iPhone.
  • Daily Duolingo practice 🇩🇪 I’m still doing the bare minimum and repeating easy lessons just to maintain the streak. Honestly, it’s not worth it at this point, so I won’t include it as a monthly goal for February.

Health Goals:

  • YMCA 2x per week minimum I have been going to the YMCA 1-2 times per week depending on my husband’s work schedule. On the days I don’t go to the YMCA, I do workouts at home.
  • Buy a new bathing suit for the pool I still need to do this and I am procrastinating.
  • Healthy/clean eating 80% of the time I actually changed this to healthy eating 90% of the time which includes no cheat meals.
  • Buy new scrub pants and long-sleeve shirts I just bought new work pants from Lululemon, and surprisingly, they are really comfortable. However, I’m still wearing my old long-sleeve shirts. The new long-sleeve shirts I bought from Walmart have a weird spandex texture that I don’t like. I lost the receipt and I don’t think they’re worth returning.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

It’s already 10:00 p.m. and I still haven’t finished editing this blog post. It happens to be Groundhog Day today. Wouldn’t it be great if we could go back and repeat today? I wouldn’t mind having more time to complete my unfinished blog posts. Plus, it would give me the opportunity to create new sticker designs for Redbubble. 24-hours in a day just isn’t enough for me!

Have something to share with me? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below ↓ Currently, email is NOT the most efficient means of reaching me. Leaving a comment is the quickest way to get in touch, and even then I am slow replying and often miss comments. It sometimes takes me weeks to reply to people, so please be patient with me.

(っ◔◡◔)っ FYI: If you’re not already following me on Twitter (@serene_hilz), you can get real-time updates about my day-to-day life there. Every day, I share updates on my fitness journey, daily objectives, and a mix of other interesting topics.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥

She Was Never One of Us

Oh, Canada! 🇨🇦 I have lived in Canada my entire life; I was born and raised here. Canadians are often recognized for their friendly and apologetic nature. On a personal level, I have come to realize that I possess these traits, often giving people numerous opportunities and extending my trust to them. As you may have noticed from the title, I am throwing some maple leaf shade here. I won’t give you much context for privacy reasons, but publishing this poem on January 4th was intentional. If you like this poem, feel free to check out my other poetry musings here. ✨

Thanks for reading! ♡

January Goals | Winter 2024

As the new year approaches, I will continue to plan out my monthly goals because it proved to be incredibly helpful for me last year. Surprisingly, it kept me on track and gave me the motivation to not abandon this blog. It compelled me to show up not only for myself but also for my readers. Not only do I take criticism personally, but I also carry a chip on my shoulder. To the person who called me a hypocrite and a jerk, what did you do last year? You ran away from your blog, switched it up three or more times, changed its name once, started a business, scrapped the idea before even launching it, and abandoned a couple of social media platforms as soon as things got tough.

Meanwhile, I have remained here, consistently showing up month after month. My goals are not mere empty promises, but well-thought-out objectives. But I don’t need to tell you that. In fact, I believe the results speak for themselves. I don’t blame the pandemic, a car accident, a surgery, or even the government for my circumstances. I take full responsibility for everything. What about you? Are you still placing blame on others for your current circumstances? I firmly believe that nothing will change if we don’t change our mindset first. Personally, I started making changes last year and will continue to do so heading into 2024. Have you started thinking about your plans yet? How will this year be any different than last year?

*Drops Mic* 🎤 And that’s the end of my rant. I feel compelled to share this because I genuinely believe that some individuals need to focus on self-improvement before pointing fingers at others instead of themselves. For those who have been keeping up with me on Twitter/𝕏 (@serene_hilz), you’ll know that I’m active on that platform. If you’re interested in getting to know me better and learn more about my personal development journey, please feel free to follow me over there. I’ve been stuck at 1300 followers for a while now and would truly appreciate seeing some familiar faces.

♡ Quick Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/serene_hilz

𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕖𝕩𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕁𝕒𝕟𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕖!

Yes, we are doing this again in 2024 📆

Are you familiar with these monthly goals and recaps? That’s great! And if you’re new here, that’s fantastic too! I personally find monthly goals and recaps to be highly beneficial and therapeutic for personal reflection. That’s why I’ve made the decision to continue doing them this year. If you want to read my previous blog posts, please use the search bar on my blog. I believe it would be less distracting for you to manually search for them, rather than me listing all of those blog posts here. Moving forward, here are my goals for January 2024. Let’s get started, shall we?

January Goals 2024

Career Goals:

  • Start bidding on shifts for January as they become available
  • Catch up on emails and sign up for N95 fit test → Check MLL
  • Complete 100 total designs for #Redbubble

Personal Goals:

  • Publish 1-2 blog posts + monthly recap
  • Complete questionnaires + submit digital copies for SW
  • Complete Application B Questions 
  • Keep tabs on doctor’s appointments
  • Daily Duolingo practice 🇩🇪

Health Goals:

  • YMCA 2x per week minimum
  • Buy a new bathing suit for the pool
  • Healthy/clean eating 80% of the time
  • Buy new scrub pants and long-sleeve shirts

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FINAL THOUGHTS ♥

And there you have it! While it might appear easy on paper, sticking with it long-term can actually be quite challenging. I have found that New Year’s Resolutions don’t work for me because I prefer goals that can be broken down on a month-to-month basis. It feels less overwhelming that way. However, it’s important to find what works best for you and go after it.

I am curious to know what your goals are for the month of January. Feel free to let me know in the comments section below ↓ I enjoy connecting with like-minded bloggers on here.

Thanks for stopping by! ♥