My 10 Favourite Feelings Tag

Pink and Yellow Shapes Birthday Pinterest Graphic (1)I want to thank blogger Pooja for sharing this tag with me! If you aren’t familiar with her blog, then I highly suggest that you check out her creative musings over at Lifesfinewhine. A while ago, I promised her that I would [eventually] complete this tag which dates back to May 27. 2020. Even though I had good intentions and even jotted down a list on my phone’s virtual notepad, the note accidentally got deleted. I am now writing a new list which is in no particular order. Today, I spent some time reflecting on the things/feelings that make me happy. I purposely left out some of the obvious things like spending time with family and friends.

Rules for Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Share your list of 10 Favourite Feelings. 
  • Nominate other bloggers. 

My 10 Favourite Feelings Tag

1. Spending time with my cat. As many of you already know, I really adore my cat. I adopted him last year when I was dealing with major depression that was quite severe. If you need some happiness in your life or feel like your mood is $hit most days, then I highly recommend adopting a cat! Not every cat is friendly though, so take your time choosing the right one. Adopting a cat is a big decision, but it is a decision that you probably won’t regret! ❤🐈

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Morning cuddles with my boy, Timon ❤

2. Connecting with WordPress bloggers, both online and offline! I am very fortunate to have this blog, where I am able connect and chat with other like-minded bloggers. Blogging has been incredibly rewarding and it only keeps getting better. I never imagined that I would end up receiving personal emails, end up receiving snail mail, and even meeting Vee in real life, who is one of my favourite bloggers.


Before I started blogging, I used to send snail mail to online friends on Facebook. I am still taking a FB hiatus and have no plans to return to that platform any time soon.

3. The smell of the Earth after it rains. Am I crazy, or is there a distinct, earthy smell after it rains? Do you know what smell I am talking about? Because that’s the smell I love! It’s a refreshing feeling after it rains ☂

4. Reaching a destination after walking for what seems like 500 miles. If the destination does not include coffee or tea, then it is a waste of my time 😂 Most of my destinations are food-related. If I didn’t walk to these places, I would probably be obese by now. I choose to walk even though I have a driver’s licence. Personally, I do not like driving a car and I will avoid driving as much as possible.


This is one of my favourite bubble tea places. Even though I took the Light Rail Transit (LRT), I technically walked there. Since the COVID-19 lockdown, I have not taken the LRT 😷

5. Having fresh-cut flowers in my house 🌻 My mom lives across the country, and she surprised me with a dozen sunflowers for my birthday! Best birthday surprise ever ❤Sunflowers are my favourite flowers and I associate them with the month of August. They’re so sunny and cheerful. What’s not to like about sunflowers? 😍


Not my birthday sunflowers. This photo was taken at my mom’s house, Summer 2019. Look how big and gorgeous these beauties are! 🌻🌻

6. Sunsets from my balcony. You do not need to go to the beach to enjoy a sunset. In fact, you can view beautiful sunsets from the comfort of your balcony or backyard. Some sunsets are quite stunning. My favourite kind of sunsets are the cotton-candy colored ones 🤗


This is what I call a cotton-candy sunset ❤

7. Finding $$$ in random places. It might be money laying on the ground (I wish), money in my coat pocket, or finding money in a drawer etc. Finding money I didn’t even know I had is a great feeling! Once I found $200 cash while cleaning the house, which was money I made from Kijiji sales. I had stashed it in an envelope for a rainy day and completely forgot about it! I’m also bad for accidentally leaving money in my coat pockets. Once my mom found a $20 in my coat pocket, so she kept it. It was an old coat that I no longer wanted, but I guess it still had some value.

8. “Kodak” moments. Let me be clear about something: I am aware that I am not photogenic. My dad thinks that I love taking photos of myself but I seldom take photos of myself. Yes, I have a profile picture of myself only because I rather see an actual picture of the face behind the blog, even if that profile pic happens to be filtered. Most of the photos I post on this blog are my own, such as this adorable pic of Rebecca and Timon the cat 💕 I am really beginning to loathe royalty-free pics because every blogger seems to use them nowadays 🙄 #unoriginal

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Photo taken October 16, 2019

9. Donating/selling items. Knowing that my stuff is going to a better home is a very satisfying feeling. Meeting the buyer in person also gives me reassurance that my stuff is actually wanted, especially since I know that they want to buy my stuff. I find it much easier parting with sentimental items if I sell them, compared to donating them. For all I know, donated items could be going straight to the landfill, which I find a bit disturbing.

10. Spousal business travel. I really enjoy taking advantage of my husband’s travel excursions whenever the opportunity arises. Usually, our schedules clash and I have to stay home, but sometimes I am fortunate to join him on his adventures! That being said, I can no longer tag along on his business trips because of the pandemic 😭

My Nominees:

And….GO!! There is no pressure to respond to this nomination. I am curious to know what your answers are if you decide to participate! Whether or not you were nominated, you are still welcome to join in on the fun!

great-vibes.regular (1)

39 thoughts on “My 10 Favourite Feelings Tag

  1. ceponatia says:

    I’m terrible at selfies! I have one that I use on all my social media and it took me hours to get one that I liked and you can tell… it looks totally forced and unnatural. Haha. Photography is fun but when you’re the photographer nobody is taking the pictures of you.

    I’m a big fan of snail mail too. It’s been a while since I’ve tried to get a correspondence going with somebody but maybe I’ll try it again soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      I find that once you find a selfie that you kinda like, it ends up being your profile pic for the next several years. At least for me, this is the case! 😂 My LinkedIn profile pic dates back to Jan 2015. My FB profile pic was taken in Summer 2017.

      Snail mail is a bit frustrating because I send a lot more mail than I receive, and some people never end up corresponding. I figure, what’s the point if they never send mail back? It can be frustrating at times. I keep telling myself that I will stop sending mail, but I end up stocking up on cute stationary in the meantime. I can’t help it! 😅 If you are looking for pen pals, then I highly suggest writing a blog post about it and reaching out to people that way. It’s worth a try, at least. Good luck! 😀


      • Hilary Tan says:

        Not sure I follow but okay. I’m sure you smell nice (trying not to make it sound creepy) 😂

        As for selling/donating, I’ve never actually bought anything from ppl, I’ve only sold items. It seems like we’re constantly accumulating stuff and clutter is overwhelming to me. Getting rid of sentimental items is quite challenging for most people so I recommend selling them. It’s easier to let stuff go that way.


  2. PoojaG says:

    Thanks for accepting the nomination! I really liked the feelings you picked. Nothing beats the smell after it rains. And spending time with your cat is definitely such a great feeling!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Happy to know that the rain smell isn’t just me hallucinating LOL It’s a very distinct, fresh smell and I love it! Even though these feelings were in no particular order, I totally agree that spending time with your pets IS the best feeling ever! ❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      It’s good to know that the smell of rain is actually a thing and that I am not imagining it! Btw, I sent you an email (reply) last week and wanted to let you know that I did receive your lovely birthday message. I apologize because I haven’t been checking my emails as often as I should be! 😅🤭

      Liked by 1 person

  3. stevescountry says:

    A terrific list of favourite feelings Hilary! Yes, there is a very distinct fresh earth smell after it rains and it is a wonderful scent! And cats are great to help with depression and many other problems, including reducing stress. Well done Hilary!😁😸

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Rose says:

    I see Chatime! It’s also one of my favourite bubble tea places. What do you normally order from there? I like the Thai milk tea and roaster milk tea with grass jelly. I wish I lived near a flower shop or had a garden… Fresh-cut flowers are so refreshing to look at.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      It has been a while since I was at Chatime. Usually, I order the Jasmine Green Milk Tea but I try not to order milk teas anymore since I’m lactose intolerant. I really like their passionfruit green tea which is very refreshing and doesn’t have milk in it. I also like their roasted milk teas which are surprisingly good, but a bit pricier.

      Liked by 1 person

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